Sunday, January 6, 2008

David Zucker Political Ad - Madeline Albright

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-10 22:31:31
User: BrianMChampion
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Zucker  Albright  Terrorism  Democrats  


David Zucker of Airplane! and Scary Movie IV skewers Democrats as appeasers. The video free speech loving lefties tried to spike as "inappropriate" (pleeeeeaze!)


PereztiToaleay ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 15:40:22

We don't know that. Even so, prohibit American companies from doing business with Muslim nations and Israel. You are disregarding that Osama does not mention hating Western culture. We should not interfer in the ME and just let them control their own destinies. Yeah let's attack Iran, even though they didn't fund 9/11. But let SA get away with it, they give us oil.
BrianMChampion ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 13:21:58

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BrianMChampion ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 13:18:49

If we did that, they'd still be cheesed off at our decadent western culture that would still end up seeping into their lands. Would you then propose that we eliminate all images of uncovered women from our movies? Along with all rock music?
PereztiToaleay ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 20:20:03

So called terrorist would leave us alone if we cut off Israel, and got out of Muslim lands and quit foing business with Muslim dictators.
mfish3730 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 09:02:50

The only thing that would have made that better and been more accurate would be if during the scene with the SAVAGE in the back of the limo it showed madeline half-brites head popping up from his lap and smiling for the camera. She is a commie, terrorist, dictator loving traitor.
mfish3730 ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 08:56:23

Nice. Perfect description of lib democrats stance and method of 'dealing' with evil in our world. Libs are only happy when the U.S. is being cut down. They are constantly filled with hate america/blame america first theories and cannot accept the fact evil does exist. SCKIT libs
glorifiedscarecrow ::: Favorites  2007-03-08 02:41:30

toadsucker25 ::: Favorites  2007-02-27 18:34:52

ColbyDog ::: Favorites  2006-12-21 10:45:28

Großer Propagandafilm Herr Zucker. Goebbels would be proud of your efforts! Following in the footsteps of Frank Capra. I trust you are well compensated for this propaganda. Fire up the gas showers, line up the bad guys... we need a new Aryan race of free market capitalists! You disgrace your legacy and shame the midwestern city of your birth. Colbert and Stewart make parody of truth, you make lies into parody... Children should be more careful when playing with matches.
rpupkin77 ::: Favorites  2006-12-19 15:53:00

"Place the bomb at The Capitol!" Hilarious.
dav3yr ::: Favorites  2006-11-07 10:31:57

ha, really? have you ever check the information you got from the view of people/press in other country besides US? i noticed that most of the US press is biased somehow when it comes to US interest...
justinbelshe ::: Favorites  2006-11-04 03:25:56

I thought at first that this was a spoof, but I'm informed that it's real... So just how goddamn dumb are republican voters, anyway?
jimbo87400 ::: Favorites  2006-11-03 03:41:49

better work on those facts...I don't think you know what you're talking about.
BrianMChampion ::: Favorites  2006-11-02 23:18:45

Yeah, pre-9/11, back when Clinton did nothing but wag the dog.
BrianMChampion ::: Favorites  2006-11-02 23:18:03

The Norks took Clinton for a ride. You want to read about this sort of thing? I recommend Ion Pacepa's book "Red Horizons", about how the Romanian communist government under Ceaucescu took Jimmy Carter for a ride, getting him to think they were liberalizing, while all the while engaging in massive technology theft. By the way, who brokered the failed nuke deal with the Norks under Clinton? Oh yeah, the "peanut-head"(as the Romanians called Jimmy Carter).

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