Watch this video tutorial and see how simple it is to get online with a blog today!
Create a blog using free software from and get tips on why, if you want to become a serious blogger, if you want to make money with your blog or, if you want to control your blog, then using free blogs such as or is NOT an option ... You must own your blog.
Here's why ...if you use hosted solutions such as or, they can delete your site without your permission and there is nothing you can do about it. Also, using hosted sites to host your blog means that you have limited opportunities of monetizing your blog because some of them don't allow you to make the most of advertising with say Google AdSense. for example makes it very clear that it is against their terms of service to commercialize your hosted blog by hosting paid advertising and will result in your blog being deleted.
In fact, I've just been reading one forum where there is a reader called "Rainmaker" and he seems to have made it his job to report people who are commercializing their WordPress blogs and within no time, their sites have been deleted by WordPress. So don't say you haven't been warned.
What you need to do is go to and download their free software and then upload the software to the server where you have your own hosting account, using your own domain name. Alternatively, you can use the automated feature found in many control panel web hosts - fantastico.
So, whilst Wordpress is the software I recommend for your blogs, you should not confuse this with their hosted solutions where you simply log into their control panel, create a user name and password and suddenly, you have a blog that in my view, you don't own.
The software that you download from is quite simply powerful and, once I show you how, you'll realize it's also easy to use and in my opinion is unparalleled in the blog software world. WordPress is not only my software of choice it is used my many of the top Internet Marketers because it's simple enough for the newbie to use, yet sophisticated enough for the pro blogger.
Wordpress has a huge library of plugins that allows users to instantly add features, and functions to give it even more flexibility and, when you add up all these elements you end up with a program that is fully capable of creating highly attractive blogs that encourage people to visit the site and stay to read whatever is posted on it. If you ever wanted powerful blog software that was able to give you the opportunity of creating a more unique look and feel, Wordpress is it.
To get Get Started With A WordPress Blog and assuming you're going to go along with my recommendation of building a WordPress blog on your own hosting account, you'll need a domain name which you can get from and a hosting account which you can get from
Get online with a blog today!
And, if you get stuck, come join my membership site at and I'll personally install your blog for you!