Saturday, March 29, 2008

Your God

Duration: 02:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-30 15:27:56

Follow the bouncing ball as Cheryl Wheeler sings the inspirational "Your God".


bamboobaby2003  2008-03-28 23:09:42

Boy, I see alot of people are taking this song/performance personally, 'offended' by a fun song? If you note, she speaks of an Arab God and the 'silliness' of 72 virgins for martyrs as well as singing about Priests who buggar children- which is more absurd? Lighten up, this woman is a wonderful performer/writer, enjoy!
ort777  2008-03-27 13:45:30

So now we're not allowed to bring up our faith here? It's getting to the point where we aren't even allowed to teach biblical truths in the church anymore. So much for freedom of speech. That only applies to people who speak what you want to hear. I see where this is all going. Libs are great at saying they're open minded but they're not. Their anger is harsh and hatred for their enemies is unmatched. You try to shut us up and mischaracterize us with the very things you're guilty of.
TonyGottlieb  2008-03-26 19:26:13

Cheryl, as I understand it, is Christian. She is simply pointing out how perverted the adherence to faith by mankind can extend into all religion and hopefully makes us laugh by doing so.
shadowsong92  2008-03-26 17:50:55

Bringing religious arguement to youtube is like bringing perfume to a pig pen. You may want it, but it won't work...
ort777  2008-03-26 12:55:14

Do you see anywhere in my words that I say I've not sinned? I am a sinner an need Jesus more than anyone. The thing I'm trying to point out is that He must be acknowledged as the truth and the only truth. I sin constantly and I do repent. I try not to sin but there are those who've removed the word from their vocabulary. Jesus was harsh with religionists but if you read further into the Bible, you'll notice Paul tore into sinners. Your explecetive does not help your point at all.

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