Friday, February 15, 2008

Blackwater Murders 17 Civillians

Duration: 06:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 01:12:10
User: polidics

Blackwater kills 17 unarmed civilians without any justification. Contract killers hired by the U.S. Government with complete and total immunity against all crimes committed. If one of our soliders committed any crime they would be punished yet for some reason Bush's Blackwater murders are above the law just as Bush feels he also is above the law. Is he? Just like Hitler and Brown Shirts before WWII a shadow paramilitary army was created, the SA. Bush has his paramilitary Blackwater, fear history because it's happening again.


polidics  2007-11-27 01:22:35

Gee I just can't understand why Iraqi's don't like Americans. This is so criminal anyone allowing this needs to be punished, including any of our government that allowed this to happen.

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