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Duration: 13:25 minutes Upload Time: 06-05-28 15:12:14 User: ZenArcher :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A revised, clearer and more well thought out response. Following are the links I promised to give in the video. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CNSNews.com http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=/Nation/archive/200604/NAT20060417b.html CNN January 29, 1999 http://www.cnn.com/US/9901/29/new.orleans.guns/ Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/18/AR2006051800979.html NRA Database of Gun Law bye State http://www.nraila.org/GunLaws/Default.aspx# |
Comments | |
terrorist420x ::: Favorites Forcing me to register a gun is a violation of my constitutional rights. Our government, federal and states, repeatedly oversteps their bounds, whether it is through assault rifle bans, registering gun owners, the PATRIOT Act, the Homeland Security Department, datamining, illegal oil wars... Our government is too large in size and scope. Our founding fathers intended for this nation to never fall into that trap. Business interests and power-hungry bureacrats had to have their way... 06-08-04 16:15:48 __________________________________________________ | |
pliskitt ::: Favorites i totaly agree with you , guns are nessicery at times and i would shurly want mine if i were in a bad situation , i sugest everyone put themselves in someone elses shoes and think about it , i wont push my view , especialy in my friends comments. but be safe friends 06-08-03 19:57:43 __________________________________________________ | |
ignium ::: Favorites I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Unfortunately we have radical individuals who paint a picture that gun owners are these red neck hicks hiding in a bomb shelter waiting for the end of the world. It's incredibly unfair and frankly childish. I used to be a person who didn't understand the need to have a firearm. This was until I was jumped by three guys who I didn't know. Crime doesn't happen when it is convenient for you. 06-08-01 16:38:12 __________________________________________________ | |
thetrepanator ::: Favorites Self defense is the basis of *all* human rights--without it, none others exist. It never ceases to amaze me how so many self proclaimed "enlightened" people can fail to see this. 06-07-18 17:47:21 __________________________________________________ | |
emp0rizzle ::: Favorites Because guns aren't the problem but rather the problem is the people who use guns to commit crime. It's like saying obesity is because of spoons. 06-07-08 00:15:42 __________________________________________________ | |
everywordmeans ::: Favorites Everywhere in the constitution you see the word 'arms' please insert the word 'Love'. Only then would I agree with you and only then would it make sense. Love makes a much more powerful weapon and you wouldn't need to hide it or buy it or kill people in it's defense. Furthermore, the 'balance' you spoke of near the end of your video would righted and the scales of Lady Justice would not be so blind. 06-07-06 05:52:06 __________________________________________________ | |
sniper479 ::: Favorites he means protection from the government. and ill just give you a litle bit of info jawbone. in the near future they plan to implant microchips under the skin of our foreheads in the name of stoping "terorism". and if americans give up there guns they will be slaves. simple as that. 06-07-05 03:44:20 __________________________________________________ | |
sniper479 ::: Favorites good on you zen archer. guns protect freedom. taking guns away from the general public does not stop violence.thats like blaming a spoon for someone being fat. violence is caused by a supresive society. if you take guns away from the public tomorow they will be slaves the next day. 06-07-05 03:29:22 __________________________________________________ | |
BuffaloComputainment ::: Favorites Ask any law abiding citizen that's had their guns taken away from them and they'll tell you registration is the first step in confiscation! I don't personally own guns myself, but the second ammendment makes clear we all have the right to own them. The founding fathers also relaized that the people's best defense aginst a tyrinical goverment is a well armed populace. This make some in Washington very nervous. 06-07-02 19:04:49 __________________________________________________ | |
sniper479 ::: Favorites the guy who posted this video is a fine man. guns protect freedom. we as human beings have the right to protect ourselves. if american citizens did not have guns they would all be slaves 20 years ago. i prais this man for his opinion. hes totaly corect. 06-06-27 14:41:40 __________________________________________________ |
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Bear Arms - "registration & illegal guns"
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